I’ve been making bread for a while now and I’ve tried lots of recipes. Why bother? The U.S. allows a lot of additives in bread that are not good for people. Also, good bread is really expensive. Also, fresh-baked bread with some honey and butter on it is one of the best experiences a human can have. After all my experimenting, this is the the recipe that works best for me.

Whole Wheat Bread

Combine in a big mixing bowl:

  • 4.5 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 3 tablespoons warm water (105° F)
  • a pinch of brown sugar

Let stand for a minute then add one cup warm water and 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Wait until the yeast ‘blooms’ (it will be obvious when this happens). Then add:

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt
  • 1 7/8 cups each of whole wheat and white flour

Here, you can knead for 7-8 minutes or put it in a stand mixer with your dough hook attachment and let the machine do the work. I recently got a mixer and I can report that it was worth the price.

Now, let it rise in a covered bowl (throw a tea towel or paper towel over the top) until it doubles in size. Knead/mix again then put it in your baking pan. Let it rise in the baking pan until it doubles in size again.

Heat your oven to 425° and put the bread in. Reduce the temp to 375°. Bake it for about 30 minutes or until the bottom of the loaf has a hollow sound when you thump it with your knuckle.